Hawke’s Bay Foundation has established a range of dedicated funds that will benefit specific causes or organisations in our community. Every gift you make to Hawke’s Bay Foundation is invested, protected and grown, meaning that your generosity will support our community’s needs, forever.
All donations over $5 are eligible for a 33.3% tax credit.
Established in 2012, the General Fund is our central fund. Monies distributed from this fund are used to make a lasting and meaningful impact in our community, forever.
The General Fund is ideal for those wanting to make a gift of any amount, without having to specify which organisations will benefit. This fund suits those that would like to make either a one-off or a regular donation but don’t want to set up a named endowment fund.
It’s hard to imagine what those needs will be in the future and they could change drastically over time. The General Fund will adapt to meet our community’s needs as they change.
Every year our annual funding round allows local charities, organisations and worthy causes the opportunity to apply for funding from the General Fund. This ensures we support those organisations which are meeting the needs of the community – whoever they may be and whenever their need arises. Whether that’s this year, in 20, 50 or 100 years’ from now.
Since its inception in 2012, Hawke’s Bay Foundation has been supporting local charities with long-term sustainable funding streams – in that time gifting $3M to local organisations.
Hawke’s Bay’s own Captain Tom , Hamilton Logan, is walking 100km in his 100th year, to fundraise for local charities offering all young and old a second chance at life.
Hamilton Logan is fundraising through Hawke’s Bay Foundation to give locals a ‘Second Chance at Life’. All donations to his Fund will be invested in perpetuity and will support charities who act as first responders – HB Rescue Helicopter, St John Ambulance & Rural Support Trust.
Read more about Hamilton Logan’s story HERE.
The Hawke’s Bay Women’s Charity Tennis Tournament is an event dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of women and children in our community.
Held every 18months, the event is supported by generous court hosts, players and sponsors who help to raise funds, to provide essential support to women and children in Hawke’s Bay facing hardship through no fault of their own.
All donations made to the Hawke’s Bay Women’s Charity Tennis Tournament Fund will be prudently invested, distributing the investment returns earned to causes supporting women and children, so all gifts will keep growing and giving, now and forever.
We know that great art and culture inspires us, brings us together and teaches us about ourselves and the world around us. In short, it makes life better for our whole community.
The Hawke’s Bay Arts Fund was established in 2017 to provide a long term, sustainable source of funding specifically for the arts in Hawke’s Bay. Every donation made to the Arts Fund will be pooled and securely invested for the long term. The interest earned on the investment will be given back to grassroots arts organisations during our annual funding rounds.
With support from the Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival, the new fund was kick-started with $26,000 worth of donations from arts-loving individuals. In line with Hawke’s Bay Foundation’s policy, this has been securely invested for the long term.
A gift to Hawke’s Bay Rowing’s Community Group Fund through Hawke’s Bay Foundation will provide financial support in perpetuity to Hawke’s Bay Rowing Club for the benefit of its athletes and coaching staff in their sporting endeavours.
Established 146 years ago, Hawke’s Bay Rowing is one of the largest Clubs in New Zealand and has a long history of nurturing and developing world-class athletes. Run by a committed volunteer committee and top- class coaches, Hawke’s Bay Rowing established its own fund with Hawke’s Bay Foundation in 2019 ensuring a sustainable and long-term future for the Club.
Investment returns on the Fund will be used to provide financial support for participants that have difficulty funding their involvement, as well as providing assistance for the Club to fund large purchases such as boats and equipment.
All donations to the Hawke’s Bay Rowing Fund are invested as a permanent endowment with the income used to provide an ongoing annual funding stream.
Do you want to make a difference to health in Hawke’s Bay?
The Hawke’s Bay Health Fund has been set up by Hawke’s Bay Foundation with seed funding from HBDHB to support the health and wellbeing of our local community.
Gifts and bequests made to the Hawke’s Bay Health Fund are pooled and invested, with the income used to provide annual grants for local health initiatives. The Fund is designed to complement existing government-funded health services, and provide grants for ‘optional extras’ for patient comfort through to specialised equipment, or grass-roots health projects in the community.
Donors can also choose to make a direct gift to the health service provider of their choice via the Health Fund.
New Zealand’s leading outdoor education provider has teamed up with Hawke’s Bay Foundation to help unlock more young local students’ true potential.
The Outward Bound Fund, launched in 2021 in partnership with Hawke’s Bay Foundation will support 14 students from local high schools to attend the Outward Bound ‘Kaweka’ Course at Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds, every year, in perpetuity.
Founded in the UK in 1941 by Lawrence Holt and Kurt Hahn, Outward Bound is today an international network established in over 35 countries and attended by more than 150,000 people each year. In New Zealand alone, 65 thousand students have personally gained from the Outward Bound ‘experience’ based at Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds – 150 of those from Hawke’s Bay.
At a cost of around $70 thousand per year to run the programmes, Outward Bound relies heavily on personal donations, bequests or sponsorships and remains one of New Zealand’s leading organisations for igniting participant’s full potential through outdoor challenge and adventure.
A gift to the Karamu High School Fund through Hawke’s Bay Foundation will provide financial support in perpetuity to Karamu High School for the benefit of its students in their academic, cultural and sporting activities.
Launched in 2021 with a gift of $100,000 from a former student, the Fund quickly attracted an equivalent sized donation from a couple with ties to Karamu High School. Wishing to remain anonymous, the three donors envisage the newly named Karamu High School Fund will be used for items such as sporting equipment, improving school facilities, learning materials, team activities and scholarships.
Hawke’s Bay Foundation’s Smarter Giving Model ensures the income gained from the Karamu High School Fund will provide a sustainable and long- term future for the school’s community and its students. As a permanent Fund, it ensures Karamu High School receives a guaranteed annual income that will grow over time.
To Mata Park and its famous peak is one of the most loved and visited places in Hawke’s Bay – a cultural, historical and recreational treasure.
Designated an ‘Outstanding Natural Landscape’, Te Mata Park was gifted in perpetuity to the community in 1927 and is managed by a small group of volunteer trustees, with help from local councils and the community.
Ngā Tīpuna, meaning ‘Our Ancestors, Our Maunga, Our Journey’, is the name of the endowment fund that will protect and enhance Hawke’s Bay’s most iconic land mass for future generations.
Among the objectives set out for the Ngā Tīpuna Fund managed by Hawke’s Bay Foundation, includes a 50-year native restoration planting plan, infrastructure strategies, and enhancing educational resources.
Speaking about the Fund, Chair of Te Mata Park Trust Mike Devonshire says, “The Ngā Tīpuna Fund will bring financial sustainability to our operations and close our current funding gap. Our goal is to raise $20 million within 20 years so that in time the dividends will sustain the operations of the Park.”
“We invite all Te Mata Park users and supporters to give what they can to protect and enhance this treasured land for future generations.”
Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank is an ever-growing digital record of Hawke’s Bay and its people. Stored and collected by a team of staff and dedicated volunteers, the Knowledge Bank continues to grow as residents donate material from times past to be digitized and uploaded to this public website, an important repository of Hawke’s Bay’s history.
The Knowledge Bank is overseen by the Hawke’s Bay Digital Archives Trust and operates from Hastings’ oldest historical homestead Stoneycroft. 80-plus volunteers record, digitize and upload material for perpetuity, meaning the fascinating records and memories of day-to-day life in the district can be stored and shared, making them available to today’s residents and the coming generations.
Founded by James Morgan, Peter Dunkerley, Dr David Barry, Angus Gordon and Heugh Chappell, a gift to the Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank Fund ensures the collective memory of Hawke’s Bay is kept alive forever.
Nourished for Nil is a non-profit food rescue organisation located and founded in Hawke’s Bay, with a passion for reducing food waste whilst nourishing the community.
In 2021 alone, Nourished for Nil rescued and redirected 1.039 million kgs of surplus food from local businesses to serve an average of over 1200 families a week, across its four Hawke’s Bay branches.
Hawke’s Bay Foundation is proud to partner with Nourished for Nil to help provide them with long term sustainable funding. All donations received to the Nourished for Nil Community Group Fund will be invested, and the income gained given back to Nourished for Nil, every year, forever.
Giving to the Nourished for Nil Community Group Fund means the staff and volunteers can spend less time fundraising, and more time doing what they do best – looking after our environment and helping nourish our local community.
A gift to the EPIC Ministries Fund will contribute to a growing legacy for Central Hawke’s Bay that will keep on giving for generations to come. Our smarter giving model ensures the income gained from the EPIC Fund provides a sustainable and long-term future for the development of local youth every year.
EPIC’s in-school, after-school and camp programs collaborate with local schools and community organisations, using a strength-based approach that fosters resilience, fun, belonging and leadership development in local youth.
Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Incorporated is a registered charity established to advocate, promote and act for the benefit of its over 9,300 members. This is to advance all matters: environmental, spiritual, economic, social and cultural through a tangata whenua worldview lens.
Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua has been serving the Wairoa community for over 30 years and in 2020 the Board established an endowment fund with Hawke’s Bay Foundation. The aim of this is to provide financial security for the charity in the future as the fund steadily grows.
Annually Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua supports marae and local events and community groups through targeted sponsorship.
The SG Jones Junior Fund was launched thirty years ago as a legacy left to the Hastings Golf Club by arguably New Zealand’s finest ever amateur golfer. In life, as in passing, Stuart Jones had a passion for developing the game of the juniors.
This fund has now been transferred to Hawke’s Bay Foundation to ensure it continues growing in perpetuity.
Funds will be distributed annually to an up and coming junior golf member to assist with coaching fees, equipment, tournament entries and travel expenses – ultimately enhancing junior development within Hastings Golf Club.
A donation to this fund is to support MTG Foundation to acquire and maintain the region’s precious taonga.
By supporting the MTG Foundation Fund, donors can continue to tell the Hawke’s Bay story – with taonga and treasures from past and present that reflect our region.
A donation to this fund is to support MTG Foundation to acquire and maintain the region’s precious taonga.
By supporting the MTG Foundation Fund, donors can continue to tell the Hawke’s Bay story – with taonga and treasures from past and present that reflect our region.