Every year income generated by generous gifts made to the Foundation are distributed to local community organisations that are hard at work building a strong, more prosperous Hawke’s Bay, through our annual funding round. By pooling our charitable giving as a community, we can have a much bigger impact on the lives of Hawke’s Bay people and on the vitality of our region than if we operate alone.
Hawke’s Bay Foundation connects people who want to give back to the region they love through organisations and projects that are making a profound and meaningful difference.
Through the generous support of our supporters, every year Hawke’s Bay Foundation funds a wide range of innovative community organisations in areas such as community connectedness, social development, children and youth issues, older adults, arts and culture and the natural environment.
Over the last 10 years Hawke’s Bay Foundation has received $11M+ in donations and distributed $3M+ to Hawke’s Bay charities.
Our smarter giving model invests and protects your gift, so it grows to become an ongoing source of funding. See the image below to see how your gift grows over time.
Unlike other charitable giving, your gift will go on growing and giving, year after year.
This is how your named endowment fund could work long-term. Your original gift is always growing, essentially making your gift last forever.