Our Funds

Giving to specific causes close to your heart

Hawke’s Bay Foundation has established a range of dedicated funds that will benefit specific causes or organisations in our community. Every gift you make to Hawke’s Bay Foundation is invested*, protected and grown, meaning that your generosity will support our community’s needs forever.

All donations over $5 are eligible for a 33.3% tax credit.

General Fund

Second Chance at Life Fund

Hawke’s Bay Arts Fund

Hawke’s Bay Rowing Fund

Hawke’s Bay Health Fund

HB Mental Health Fund

Outward Bound Fund

Karamu High School Fund

Te Mata Park – Ngā Tīpuna Fund

Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank Fund

Nourished For Nil Fund

EPIC Ministries Fund

Ngati Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua

HB Power Consumers’ Trust Fund

SG Jones Junior Golf Fund

HBF Operating Costs

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