Napier Cadet Trust Transfers Funds to Hawke’s Bay Foundation

Forty years after forming, the Napier Cadet Trust is giving a final salute, vesting its remaining cash and investment assets to Hawke’s Bay Foundation to carry on the good work for local youth.

The Trust, known for running Napier’s Cadet Academy (NCA) in the mid 1980’s, was responsible for the rollout of military styled life skill training for at risk youth in Hawke’s Bay.

Founding Trustee of the Cadet Trust and former Napier Mayor Alan Dick QSO felt the time was right to secure its future by aligning with Hawke’s Bay Foundation.

“Retirements, bereavements and time have taken their toll and so the surviving Trustees have made the decision to pass the mantle on to Hawke’s Bay Foundation to continue advocating for Hawke’s Bay Youth.”

In its time, Napier’s Cadet Academy program based at Beck House offered a residential youth detention and rehabilitation facility in Eskdale, that included drill, physical fitness and outdoor adventure activities.

It was popular and life changing for many of the young participants, and following the sale of Beck House, the Trust continued to support initiatives such as: Skills For Growing, a life skills and personal development program delivered in Hawkes Bay Schools, Police Blue Light Activities, Youth Chronic Fatigue and others.

Treasurer of the Napier Cadet Trust, Gavin Earle says the recent transfer of the Trust’s remaining assets (valued at $440 thousand) was a ‘no brainer’.

“Compliance costs for the Trust have been increasing in recent years with legal obligations and responsibilities on Trustees more onerous today. When considering these factors together with the time and effort involved in managing the ongoing administration and process of assessing applications for funding, it was becoming more and more challenging.

“As the Trustees considered what was best for the NCA in the long term, we were increasingly impressed with how Hawke’s Bay Foundation was operating. It became clear that if we were to secure the future of the NCA and continue supporting youth in Hawke’s Bay, then moving the Trust into the Foundation was the best way to ensure these funds were used efficiently and effectively into the future.”

Honouring the Trust’s original mandate is something Gavin Earle is intent on ensuring.

“The NCA has always been about helping youth in Hawke’s Bay, with a particular focus on those who have challenges in their lives and don’t have the same opportunities. Our Trustees are very comforted knowing that having passed the baton, The Foundation will ensure that these broad principles are continued in perpetuity.”

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